
Grown from an opportunistic drifter and mercenary freelancer to a successful businesswoman, Reina Dancer proudly embodies a 'survive out of spite' attitude. She spends a large chunk of her time managing trade routes and shipments between contacts in multiple city-states across the star (minus Tural...for now), focusing mainly on alchemic ingredients and luxury goods and materials. Beyond this, her informant network remains alive and well...but she mostly uses it for personal aims, no longer peddling secrets unless for a very tempting price.Reina is clever, resourceful, calculating, ruthless, pragmatic, and generally unempathetic. It's easy to gain her interest, but it's hard to gain her trust. She resolutely maintains that she is thoroughly an asshole, though it's widely known among her professional contacts that she keeps her word on deals and promises alike.'s a little more complicated. While Rei can be known to hold out a helping hand where she sees the need, she's commonly abrasive, often unphased by others' troubles, and prone to causing conflict or chaos when sufficiently bored.One good way to earn her ire forever: touch her when you have been warned not to. Reina harbors a very strong aversion to physical contact with all but a very few people. It's one of the few times she will show genuine fear.


Long blond hair, striking blue eyes, and smooth, fair skin. Reina would be the picture of the blond bombshell if she didn't have the musculature of an archer, a commandingly angular face, and the smirk of the devil. She stands at 5'7", with solid, muscular legs and hips, hard abs, and toned arms and shoulders. While her make-up gives a nod to femininity, one gets the sense that she simply can't be bothered with anything less basic.There are few circumstances in which she's found without her trusty pistol on her left hip, usually a knife or two to boot. On some occasions, she'll carry a shortbow and a hooded quiver strapped to her right hip. Her favorite garb is...variable, but always sturdy and functional enough for combat or exercise, should she need. It's rare to find her without an assortment of beltpouches and the like, as well.Whatever she does wear, though, it is always joined by a simple, silver band on her right bicep.


Reina holds herself with a lax confidence. Though she owns her own space unapologetically, she is quite uninterested--nay, avoidant, of anyone else's. She rarely shows open or vulnerable emotion, instead maintaining an aloof sort of amusement at most of what she finds in the people around her. Beyond this, the woman tends toward a blank affect and a near-monotone, giving the impression of placid boredom. Her stance is often more masculine, her infrequent expressions muted, and her attention quickly darting from object to object as she keeps constant stock of her surroundings.Every once in a while, one may catch her expression flicker. The observant may notice short moments of true emotion slipping through the cracks--fear, anger, surprise. Even a master doesn't have a perfect poker face.


Name: Reina Dancer
Species: Hyur, Midlander
Age: 30
Nameday: ???
Origin: Limsa (?)
Occupation: Freelance Battledancer, Businesswoman
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Status: Committed
Relationship Structure: Monogamous


Doing Business Reina both takes and gives jobs, doing fieldwork herself when necessary but often either subcontracting or funding her own endeavors. Need something done? Need a job? Interested in being a very well-paid retainer? Reina operates in both the legitimate and criminal business worlds, and will jump on any opportunity to get ahead or make a strategic friendship.Broken Chains Despite her otherwise lacking moral compass, Reina has dedicated a great deal of time and resources into killing slavers and freeing their hostages. If your character may have been affected in any way by such things, perhaps they may recognize her name or face?Lover of Music With a soft spot for any sort of music, Reina will drop some of her careful self-curation when good music is playing. She is especially fond of musicians themselves, and will often linger to get to know them more thoroughly.Far Traveler Due to some...interesting circumstances, there are few places Reina hasn't been to. She is familiar with Ishgard, Kugane, parts of Doma, Dravania, Abalathia, and most of Eorzea itself. Perhaps your character glimpsed her in one of these faraway places?<REDACTED> If your character routinely rubs up against the high and mighty of Gridania, send me a PM and we'll discuss.

WIP -- coming someday


Server: Balmung
Timezone: EST/EDT
Times: Evenings. Specific times available via scheduling.
FC: None
RP Types: Adventure, Horror, Action, Social, Business, Plot
I am a roleplayer who values mutual, organic roleplay that involves communication and respect between players. I am happy with both spit-fire and para-RP--I will mirror in many cases, but my rule of thumb is 'use the words you need'. I also have extensive experience DMing plots and NPCs, so I am willing to do that as well to facilitate a scene, if a partner wants.Trigger Warning for themes of Abuse (backstory) and Mental IllnessReina's personal story gets dark and difficult at times, and I understand that that is not for everyone. While she is workable in casual, social RP, deeper scenes are likely to contain conflict and disharmony. She has both a temper and a fear response. I will try to be proactive, but please don't hesitate to contact me about any boundaries or discomfort.Rei's personal plot is currently understated. She has resolved her last major arc and has not yet stepped into her next one.