
Grown from an opportunistic drifter and mercenary freelancer to a successful businesswoman, Reina Dancer proudly embodies a 'survive out of spite' attitude. She spends a large chunk of her time managing trade routes and shipments between contacts in multiple city-states across the star (minus Tural...for now), focusing mainly on alchemic ingredients and luxury goods and materials. Beyond this, her informant network remains alive and well...but she mostly uses it for personal aims, no longer peddling secrets unless for a very tempting price.Reina is clever, resourceful, calculating, ruthless, pragmatic, and generally unempathetic. It's easy to gain her interest, but it's hard to gain her trust. She resolutely maintains that she is thoroughly an asshole, though it's widely known among her professional contacts that she keeps her word on deals and promises alike.'s a little more complicated. While Rei can be known to hold out a helping hand where she sees the need, she's commonly abrasive, often unphased by others' troubles, and prone to causing conflict or chaos when sufficiently bored.One good way to earn her ire forever: touch her when you have been warned not to. Reina harbors a very strong aversion to physical contact with all but a very few people. It's one of the few times she will show genuine fear.